New Website Theme - "A Sky Full of Stars"
I made a "theme" for my website called A Sky Full of Stars!It's my first "professional" website theme, And this is my first public art post as well! I have been doing 3D modeling as a hobby for about 2 years now, and started with the intention of eventually being able to be a freelance artist someday. It's taken me 2 years to get to the point of posting online because in the beginning I had a bad habit of playing video games most of the day and only doing Blender for 1-2 hours. Over time I've developed the self-discipline to work on art more and more, and video games aren't an "addiction" anymore! This will now be the default theme on my website for the time being. The "Legacy" theme is how my website used to look when I was first designing it, and the No HTML theme is just there for fun. I'd like for any themes added in the future to feature a unique background like this new one. Although my website doesn't have all that much content yet, I still thought it would be a fun feature if there could be multiple themes with my artwork in the background and people can choose between them. I came up with the idea for this theme awhile ago, I originally planned for the girls to be clothed but due to time constraints only one of their clothes are finished so far (The brown haired girl)! I don't really want my renders to be lewd for no reason, but I really wanted to get something out there by October 19, since that is not only my birthday but also around the time that I started doing Blender 2 years ago! Next up, I'll be working on an official "debut" of sorts with a character sheet for my characters, once their clothes and design are finalized, etc. Basically, my plan is to eventually be able to make lewd 3D renders and animations featuring all of the characters I've made, kinda like artists I look up to such as MantisX, IceDev, and others. I don't want to just use generic Overwatch and RPG characters like a lot of other SFM artists use, so that's why I'm learning how to make my own characters, clothes, rigging, and more.
SirRedEdge - Wed, 19 Oct 2021
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