Character Debut 01 - Shouko
My first character is complete, her name is Shouko!This is the first character I've made from scratch in 3D after making a few based off MMD models and such. For my first character I wanted to make an "average" sort of girl, I have ideas for more eccentric and flashy characters but I wanted a good baseline to start with to make sure that I can make a basic character look good. She's roughly based on the default character from Artificial Academy 2.
It took quite a while to get to the point where I found my character to be more appealing than the AA2 girl, but by now I think I've reached a point that I'm happy with. Of course, AA2 came out in 2014 so it's not the most impressive of achievements, but I'm happy with how she came out nonetheless. I'd like to make a few more characters to make sure I really know what I'm doing, and then start to use them in photo sets and animations! I'm sure it will be awhile before I get there, but I've been having a lot of fun so far learning 3D and I'm happy that a productive hobby like this is gradually starting to take more and more of my time instead of video games. I've come to realize over the past months just how much time 3D production takes, and I can't afford to be wasting too much time if I ever want this to seriously be my career. Sometimes I just look back at how slow I was in the past and laugh, and nowadays I'm starting to always think about how I can make things simpler, quicker, and more efficient for myself.
SirRedEdge - Wed, 21 Oct 2021
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