New Website Theme - The Dream Starts
I made a new theme for my website! I wanted to make something a little more SFW so that there isn't bare butts as soon as someone visits. Not that I mind making lewd content, but I just want to give people a chance to turn back if they don't want to see any. So the default theme will now be "The Dream Starts", and "A Sky Full of Stars" is still available on the theme change page.This one is a small reference/homage to Yume Nikki, a fun indie RPG that I've enjoyed playing in the past. I had fun making this theme, it was challenging to focus more on the environment than the characters, and this is one of the first projects I've made that hasn't been lewd or NSFW. A few other things of mine have been inspired by Yume Nikki too, like the legacy theme of my website which has the same color scheme as Kikiyama's website, and my little watermark logo has a similar color scheme as the main Yume Nikki logo. I'm sure as time goes on I'll branch off into more of my own designs, but I like the color scheme and minimalism of Yume Nikki so I figured it was a good place to start :) I'd like to make many more website themes, but they will come out slowly over time. I'd like to hold them to a higher standard compared to my "normal" works and I don't want to make a picture into a website theme unless I think it's truly fitting.
SirRedEdge - Sun, 19 Dec 2021
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